Happiness, pleasure, bliss Swa-bhaan Awareness of the Self Swabhav
Nature Swabhavik sukh Natural bliss Swadharma True nature of the Self Swa-dhyan Contemplating on its own Self Swarg
Heaven Swa-swaroop One's own nature Swatantra
Independent Syadvaad Speech that does not hurt the ego of
any living being Taady
Toddy; fermented palm juice Taan
Physical importance Taar
Link, connection Takalaadi
Easily broken and fragile Tamo guna Characteristic of darkness or inactivity Tanmayakar Being involved Тара
Penances and austerities Tarantaaran purush Saviour Tattva
Elements Teukaya
Fire-bodied life-forms Tiryancha Animals and plants
Third lunar day Trigunatmak Possessing three qualities: sattva, rajas
and tamas Trikaad
Past, present and future Trikaadi bhaav Continuous intent Trividh taap
Three-fold sufferings Tyaag
Renunciation Udaseen
Detached and indifferent Udhaar
‘On credit Upadhi
Affliction from external sources Upari
Head Uparis
Superiors Upsham
Suppressed Urdhvagami Rise upwards