though it is not digested, we do not have a problem with that. That is because when liberation (moksha) has come to us, what more would we need?
After giving you moksha such as this, if you get your sons and daughters married, why would that be problem? Otherwise, if you hurt any living being even slightly, are they likely to let you enter the final liberation (moksha)? Because the wife will say, 'Hold on, you cannot leave yet. You can go after we get our youngest daughter married.' And would you be able to get moksha by running away? Bhagwan says that it is not the worldly life (sansar) that hinders you, but it is ignorance (agnan) that obstructs you. Once ignorance of the Self (agnan) goes, then what is the problem?
Oh! To Know The Atma Is To...
Otherwise, the Atma that people refer to in general, is the mechanical atma. That in itself is illusion (bhranti). And then when you ask them, 'Have you attained enlightenment or the right belief (samkit)?' They will say, 'No, we have not attained enlightenment.' What else is there, after you have known the Atma? You are considered to have gone beyond kshayak samkit, closer to Absolute Knowledge (Keval Gnan). The Atma is not something you can discern very easily. That is why Krupadudev has written on the cardinal book, 'He who has known the Atma; has known everything'.
This, that needs to be said, is written on the top. And if one does not Know (experience the Self), then he will struggle in vain. One has struggled in vain for countless past lives, and again he continues to do the same. That is what Krupadudev has said. Despite this, in this way, one day he will find the true thing. It Can Be Known Through the Gnani's Gnan of Separation
Questioner: Is it possible to know the Atma without knowing the anatma (non-Soul)?