strong, that at the time it arises, I get dragged away in that direction.
Dadashri: In reality, nothing can drag you away. It has not come into exactness, the fact that you have realized the Atma. If it has come into exactness, then nothing can touch you. That is because afterward, only the discharge karmas remain, so only the enduring of karmas (bhogavato) remains. New karmas are not being bound at all. If the Atma has indeed been realized, then the blocking off of inflowing karma (samvar) remains, and where there is a blocking off of karma (samvar), the binding of karma (bandh) does not occur. Both the person who is ignorant of the Self (agnani) and the Self-realized person (Gnani) alike, definitely have influx of karmic matter (aashrav) and discharge of karmic matter (nirjara). However the only difference here is that, the person who is not Self-realized (agnani), has binding of karma (bandh); whereas for the Selfrealized person (Gnani), because of the power of Gnan, blockage against the influx of karmic matter (samvar) prevails.
Questioner: The influx of karmic matter (aashrav), the discharge of karmic matter (nirjara) and the blockage of the influx of karma (samvar). When one quickly jumps back and forth between these three states, is it the influence of karma?
Dadashri: The force of karma is very very strong. Despite this, karmas are neutral, so they are of a neuter gender (napunsak). This means that they are unable to do anything. As long as they do not have your support, they cannot do anything. Only when we give it support, it enables them to do something; otherwise they just come to an end. When they are no longer supported, they cannot do anything to us. However if we give them support by saying, “I did it'; from there they can shake you up!
Questioner: Is the support we give, because of past karmas?
Dadashri: That is called ignorance of the Self (agnanta).