From time to time, you may see someone who has decreased his egoism (ahamkar). But no one's ‘my-ness' (mamata) has gone.
And if there is a dinner plate in front of one, when you look, they all have the belief 'I am this body' (dehadhyas), whether it is a maharaj (religious teacher or guru), or anyone else, they always protect (look out for) their own plate! How can you say that their belief of 'I am this body' is gone, when there is nothing like, 'Let me give it away to someone else'? How are they supposed to rise above the identification with the body (dehadhyas)?!
Wow! How Wonderful Is Atmagnan!
Questioner: When Atmagnan (Self-realization) occurs, what changes occur in the body that tells us that Self-realization (Atmagnan) has occurred?
Dadashri: After Self-realization has happened, even if someone insults you it would not reach inside, and in your mind, you would feel that he is an instrumental person (nimit) in the unfolding of your karma. How is it the poor man's fault? Even the one insulting you appears as an instrumental being (nimit) to you. Even the pickpocket appears to you as a nimit.
To speak the wrong way is ignorance (agnan), and to speak the right way is knowledge (gnan). The Atmagnani (Knower of the Atma) always says things the right way! Whereas the ignorant person (agnani) will always speak the wrong way. They catch the pickpocket and bite (attack) the one who is instrumental (nimit).
Questioner: So can you say that you have Atmagnan (Self-realization) if you are devoid of excessive pride (nirabhimaani), and you do not blame anyone?
Dadashri: Yes, when one becomes free of excessive pride