are you not? For the worldly life, only renunciation (tyaag) is needed! Whatever acquisition (grahan) we have to do, we do anyways.
Dadashri: Acquisition (grahan) itself is difficult. Where as renunciation (tyaag) is quite possible to do.
Questioner: Even renunciation (tyaag) is impossible. How can renunciation be possible? The outer renunciation is different, and the inner renunciation is different. Does renunciation not have to come from within?
Dadashri: You need the inner renunciation (tyaag) for it all to be possible. There are many people that do that. You need to look at what kind of acquisition (grahan) you have done. With renunciation, a vacuum is created, so what will you put there instead?
Questioner: What else could there be, other than, all this is truly the Absolute Self (sarva khalvidam Brahma)?
Dadashri: But what is Brahma?
Questioner: Brahma means the Atma.
Dadashri: How does one become the Atma (Brahma)? The Atma (Brahma) does not manifest! That is because, when does the Atma (Brahma) manifest? When anger-pride-deceitgreed (krodh-maan-maya-lobh) and the “my-ness' (mamata) disappear, that is when the Atma (Brahma) will manifest; otherwise, it will not manifest! Until then the consciousness of, 'I am this body (dehadhyas)', will not leave!
Questioner: Now you can see my shortcomings, how can I do that?
Dadashri: No, why would 'we' look at your shortcomings? You should be able to see your own shortcomings: 'I still have greed (lobh), or I have anger (krodh)'; that is something only you can see. You (the Self) do not have any