of passions and obstructions (mudd-vikshep) or attachment and abhorrence (raag-dwesh), one has toiled in vain, life after life. But that which prevents one from attaining the Self (Brahma), is ignorance (agnan), which is the root cause. And nobody, except the Gnani Purush, is capable of removing that. That, which covers up the Atma, is ignorance: not ego (ahamkar).
What is the Gnani's inner awakened Vision (drashti) like? In the first Vision, women and men are seen as completely naked. In the second Vision the body is seen without the skin. In the third Vision, the body is seen cut up, with exposed entrails, flesh and bones. And finally, you see the form of the Self (Brahmaswaroop) in everyone. Then is there any scope for attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh) to occur?
In every living being, there is the element of Chetan (life; Soul) which by nature is the same for all. However, in terms of physical matter (dravya), they differ. Each Chetan is different by dravya, and each is completely independent. If all Souls were one, then would they not have all gone to final liberation (moksha), when Lord Rama went to final liberation? What, Ekoham Bahusyam (I am one, appear in many), could the Self (Brahma) possibly have such a desire?
The Atma does not dissolve into the Absolute Soul (Parmatma). In the process of dissolution, why should each Atma relinquish its own independence, and sacrifice unto another? Gnanis behold the complete Vision (Darshan) of the whole and complete, independent Absolute Soul (Parmatma), who resides in each and every being. If all souls were one, then why would you suffer pain, while Lord Rama is over there enjoying the bliss of final liberation (moksha)? If the Atma was the manifestation of the Parmatma, you would not suffer any pain at all.
By real viewpoint, the Atma is formless (nirakari), and by the relative viewpoint, it has form (sakaari). In the realm of the Liberated Souls (Siddha gati) the Atma decreases by a third,