unhappiness, are also considered dualities, and in the same way, this dualism – non-dualism (dwaita-adwaita) is a pair which is also a duality (dwandva). Just as there is kindness, there will undoubtedly be cruelty as well! So if there is a kind person, you should also know, 'O ho ho! There is also cruelty in him'! And so dualism (dwaita) and non-dualism (adwaita) exist as duality. It is not a state that is beyond duality (dwandvatita). So someone who says, 'I am non-dualistic (adwaita)', is still in a state of duality (dwandva). Then how much upadhi (trouble) is there in that duality (dwandva)?! The person who is non-dualistic (adwaita) will continually be having notions about duality (dwaita) day and night, that this is dualism, this is dualism, this is dualism, and this is what he does throughout his entire day. As if dualism is going to eat him alive?! Therefore this dualism and non-dualism are dualities (dwandva). One has to go even beyond that.
You can call it as dwaita if you say, 'Karma and I; both are there'. That is called dualism. What those who are nondualistic (adwaita) say is, 'It is only I: there is no such thing as karma.' Therefore, dualism and non-dualism do not exist on their own. That is because the Atma is dualistic - non-dualistic (dwaita-adwaita). The Atma cannot only be non-dualistic, and neither can it be just dualistic alone. With respect to the worldly life (sansar), when it has a connection with worldly interaction (vyavahar), it is dualistic (dwaita); however, if it remains in its fundamental state; its real form (swaroop), then it is non-dualistic (adwaita). Therefore, when 'we' remain in our own Self, 'we' are completely non-dualistic.
When Does the Experience of Non-Dualism Occur?
Questioner: Can non-dualism (adwaita) be experienced? Who experiences it?
Dadashri: Non-dualism can be experienced. Once the experience of dualism (dwaita) occurs, then comes the experience