even becomes a widower! So this is how the world is. The phases (avastha) in this world are all temporary, and You (the Self; Atma) yourself, are permanent! But one is not aware of this.
One believes, “I am a sinner (paapi)' and even that is the mechanical atma; it is the part which is agitated (chanchal). That, which runs this worldly life (sansar) only remains absorbed in the worldly life; is the atma which is all mechanical atma. Even if you did not want to run it yourself, the machinery would go on running. The original, real Atma is still (achad); not even slightly agitated (chanchal). Because of not knowing this Atma, it has been said, 'Know Atmagnan (Self-realization)'.
Even the most prominent saints and spiritual leaders (sant purush) all say, “Know Atmagnan'. We may ask one, 'You are a sant purush, and you do not even know yourself?' and they will say, 'No. Only Atmagnan is really worth knowing!' Therefore, knowledge of the Self, Atmagnan is a task for only the Gnani Purush and no one else. No one had ever known Atmagnan. Whatever they all refer to, is what they have understood from the perspective of the mechanical atma. After knowing the Atma, one's state would be quite unique indeed!
The entire world could not taste a single fraction of the Atma, is how the Atma is; it is still (achad), and it is truly the Parmatma (the Absolute Soul)!
By just uttering the word Atma, people have latched on to it saying, 'I am Atma, I am Shuddhatma (pure Soul).' Hey now! You cannot be the pure Soul. Do you see Shuddhatma in others? When someone does any harm, why do you become annoyed? So therefore, all this is nothing but mechanical atma. So far, what the entire world has discovered; has been the mechanical atma.
Or, when they do discover the atma they are looking for, they will only have found the mechanical atma! So, except for