been destroyed. Creation and destruction are just circumstances (avastha) that you see. Nothing happens to the main element. Those with illusion (bhranti), see the differences in the phases. The main element does not change.
It is the deluded intellect (viparit buddhi), that shows you all that. The intellect (buddhi) has been born. Until the end, the intellect will keep you trapped in all this. Now if the intellect ever retired, your work would be done. But it will not retire, even at the age of eighty.
Questioner: There is a difference between water and taady (toddy; fermented palm juice).
Dadashri: Of course, there is a difference between all these things! They are different by nature. Tady looks white, but when you drink it, it goes to your head (inebriates), and water will not go to your head. Each one cannot be prevented from displaying its effects, now can it?
Questioner: Amongst every kind of living beings (jiva), including humans, there are differences in their diet.
Dadashri: There is a difference! There are differences in each and every thing. There is a difference even between two mustard seeds.
Questioner: Why did that difference arise? If it was not there, then there would only be happiness (sukh).
Dadashri: Yes, but they are all just imaginings! It is this intellect (buddhi) which is responsible for making you imagine, ‘if this was not there, it would have been like this, and this would have happened', but you should just take those words out of the dictionary. 'If it was like this, then this would have happened are words that should not be there, and you should never keep them in your dictionary.
Questioner: So has the Atma Parmatma (Absolute Soul)