That Is Why Gnanis Call It 'No Beginning, No
End'! These are all circumstances that the Atma has accrued! You are sitting here right now, but if you venture outside and suddenly there is a dense fog, you and I would not be able to see each other face to face. Is that not possible?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: Yes, so when the fog appears, you cannot see. That is the same for the Atma which has become shrouded in a fog of circumstances; so many circumstances arise! And like the other fog (atmospheric), this one has infinite kinds of layers (veils of illusion). These veils are so grave, that they do not allow you to attain the awareness of Atma; your Self. The Atma, however, has never come, nor has it ever gone. The Atma itself is Parmatma (Absolute Soul)! But what is incredible, is that it (layers of circumstances) will not allow the awareness to come through. That is what the Gnani has seen. The Gnani who has become free, has seen this.
All these are the questions of the intellect (buddhi). They are all just the intellect's questions, and it is possible that when the intellect is finished, that this Gnan can come forth. People ask, “What is its beginning?' Hey! Where did you learn the word beginning? That is all an intellectual interference (vikalp). Just to satisfy people's curiosity, the Gnanis have said that it has no beginning or end (anaadi anant).
Questioner: I did not understand the meaning of no beginning and no end (anaadi anant).
Dadashri: What is never-ending (anaadi anant)? You will not find the beginning or even the end of something which is round. Would you be able to find the end of this necklace? You would not even be able to find its beginning either, would you? That is why it is called never beginning-never ending (anaadi