end, and has never had a beginning. So there is never any first ascendant at all. It is how it is, it is as it always was; it is as it is. It has been this way for aeons and it will be this way and it will stay this way forever! It means that it will carry on in the same way as it has gone on for time immemorial. It will go on forever.
Questioner: But scientists say the ape was here first.
Dadashri: There was no such ape. Call it an ape or anything else, but fundamentally, is it not Atma? And it is the Atma, that is in all yonis (place of creations), as is the non-Self (anatma). There is the body; the non-Self complex (pudgal) and there is also the Atma. So there is no such thing as the first ape. Out of all the innumerable places of birth (yoni), those living entities (jivas) only enter the particular place of creation they hold a karmic account (hisaab) with. Otherwise, the Atma has been in existence from time immemorial, as has the non-Self (anatma).
Questioner: It is said that a human being is bound to the worldly life (sansar), because of his past karma. So what kind of previous bondage did the first humans born on the planet, bring with them?
Dadashri: There is no first human being to be born. This world was never born. Anything that has a beginning certainly has an end. This world is not going to end and in the same way, it did not come into existence. The world has no beginning, nor does it have an end (anaadi anant). And all these humans and every living being in it; are all without beginning or end (anaadi anant). The living entity (jiva) in the tree or the minutest organisms are all forever in existence (anaadi anant- no beginning-no end)! There has never been an increase or decrease in their number; they are the same in number as they have always been!
Not a single soul (jiva) has increased and not a single