covered with illusory attachment (murchhit – deluded; unaware spiritually). That which changes every second, cannot be the Self. That indeed is the bhaavak.
The level of knowledge one (The Self-pramaata) possesses is proportionate to the matter to be known (gneya - projection - prameya). As one's prosperity and worldly intent grow, so do one's projection and projector grow proportionately. The true projector (pramaata) is the One whose Atma illuminates the entire universe. This projection (prameya; gneya) is for the whole universe (lok).
The Energy of Action: The Energy of Intent
Only the energy of intention (bhaav-shakti) is within one's control: the energy of action (kriya-shakti) is not.
Therein, too, it is not worth making intentions for anything other than those for attaining moksha. Whatever intentions are done, they are deposited into Nature, and Nature helps bring all the other circumstances together, to help one bring it into action (effect).
Intent is a very subtle thing that cannot be seen by anybody except the Gnani! From intent is created a plan that gives results in the next life. Desire is a result: intent (bhaav) is the cause. When it is decided that, “I do not want anything in this world'; the intent is sealed. After one attains knowledge of the Self (Atma; the Soul), the desires that arise are only in the form of effects.
There is a vast difference between thought and intent (bhaav). Without Gnan, intent is the only thing that cannot be truly understood. Thought is an effect. Intent is a cause. After a very long time, intent (bhaav) materializes into effect (dravya). Intent goes as input into the computer', and for it to materialize into results, all the other circumstances have to come together.