The vibrations of even the slightest adverse thought about another person will reach that person and give results. Here doing ‘shoot-on-sight' pratikraman will prevent those vibrations from reaching that person, or else erases the vibrations that may have reached that person. And once the opinion is erased, speech and conduct towards that person become natural, to the extent that they cannot even 'touch' the other person. Conversely, the view with the opinion of seeing faults, casts its shadow on the mind of the other person. And it is because of that, that one feels uneasiness in that person's presence.
To change the opinion, one has to supplant it with its opposite opinion. To erase the opinion, that someone is a thief, one has to say that he is an honest and respected man and ultimately, the vision that he is really “pure Soul' (Shuddhatma) has to be applied!
Opinion is the reason (cause) for speech with the link of continual hurt (tantili vani—speech associated with lingering effect); whereas, suspicion (shanka) is one of the reasons (cause) for opinion.
“Opinion is dependent upon the receptacle of the intellect (buddhi no ashaya)"
~ Dadashri
The opinion depends on where the intellect has perceived happiness to be. If one thinks happiness lies in a French haircut, one's opinion for a French haircut develops.
What hinders the state of the infinite bliss of the Self, after Self-realization in Akram Vignan? – Opinion! Once two to five major opinions are gone, a state of liberation prevails!
The seed (of karma) is sown, not by action (kriya), but by motive (hetu-intention behind action); by opinions! The only opinions worthy of welcome are those for celibacy (brahmacharya), and for the fact that the physical body is the greatest of deceivers (dago)! Opinion is made up of subatomic