because it is real happiness, and it is eternal happiness. You cannot even imagine the magnitude of such happiness!
Where there is no other talk except of the Atma and the Parmatma (Supreme Soul), there lies the true happiness. This is where there is not even the slightest discussion related to the worldly life (sansar), such as how one can gain and profit in life, or how one can attain even good qualities. People seek to cultivate good qualities. These qualities, both good and bad, belong to the part which is the non-Self, and they are temporary. Nonetheless, people need them. Everyone needs something different depending upon his expectations. However, a person who wants the state of absolute vitaragata (state of absolute detachment), will have to go beyond all the good and bad qualities and know “who the Self is'. After knowing that, all his concerns should be directed towards the Atma (Self) and Parmatma (absolute Self). And this will give rise to a state of complete vitaragata.
Questioner: Time passes us by and we still cannot find real happiness.
Dadashri: To get real happiness, you must first become real (the Self) yourself. And if you want 'worldly' (sansari) happiness, then you should become 'worldly' (sansari). The nature of worldly happiness is that it is puran-galan (inputoutput). It comes and goes. It has duality (pleasure and pain). Permanent happiness is experienced once you attain the understanding and the realization of "Who am I?”
Questioner: When will we find happiness in the worldly life?
Dadashri: There can never be any happiness in the worldly life. But if you adopt good measures, then you will experience some happiness, and if you adopt measures based on Gnan, you will have permanent bliss.