Which Is Greater, Destiny or Purusharth?
Questioner: Which is the greater of the two, destiny (bhagya) or effort (purusharth)?
Dadashri: He that understands destiny and purusharth, is greater. People do not know this. What do you consider purusharth to be? Have you experienced destiny (bhagya)?
Questioner: I believe that everything happens through destiny (bhagya).
Dadashri: Where have you seen free will (purusharth)?
Questioner: What happens routinely is purusharth (free-will effort).
Dadashri: What is destiny (prarabdha)?
Questioner: A miracle, like getting to do your darshan, I consider destiny (a bhagya).
Dadashri: Would you call your coming here, a purusharth?
Questioner: Yes, that would be called a purusharth.
Dadashri: This is it. People do not realize the difference between free will (purusharth) and destiny (prarabdha). They speak this way because of illusion (bhranti). Illusion is a type of vision, is it not? Which is why, they see that this is prarabdha and that is purusharth through the illusion. Purusharth, in fact, is not visible. Whatever you see, is all prarabdha. Purusharth continues to occur, but you are unaware of it. If purusharth were visible, everyone would turn things around for the better.
Questioner: How does purusharth occur?
Dadashri: Purusharth occurs from within, which is known as bhaav purusharth (it creates a cause). Now, people