There are five varieties of living beings. One sensed, two sensed, three sensed, four sensed and five sensed. The first four are evil and the last is auspicious. Five sensed being is included in auspicious entities.
There are five kinds of physiques and limbs are three. All of them are auspicious. Scraping of the body is effected in six ways and the first of them viz. "Excellent joining in which two bones are hooked one another (Vajra-Rushabha-Narach-Sanghayana). This is auspicious and the rest are inauspicious. Similarly in figures (Samsthana) of the body first type viz. "Entirely symmetrical (Sama-Chaturastra) is auspicious and the rest are inauspicious.
Colours, tastes, odours and touches are also auspicious and inauspicious. To illustrate: Colours are five out of them white, yellow and red are auspicious while blue and black are inauspicious. Tastes are five-fold: sweet, acidic and sour are auspicious whereas astringent and bitter are inauspicious. Odours are two fold: pleasant and unpleasant. Pleasant odour attracts everyone even gods, and that is why we use frangrant flowers, perfumes etc., in worships. All dislike unpleasant smell. You shut up your nose when such filthy smell spreads. There are eight kinds of touch: light, soft, glossy and hot touches are auspicious while heavy, hard, rough and cold touches are inauspicious.
Transmigration of Soul into other existence after death (Anupurvi) is four fold. Celestial and human are auspicious ones while animal and hellish are inauspicious ones. States also are distinctly considered as auspicious and inauspicious.
States of moving body (Trasa-Dashaka) is auspicious while that of immobile body is inauspicious.
Among the eight forms of pratyeka prakriti (States of formation of body) abnormal formation (upaghata) is inauspicious and the rest are auspicious.
Now you can properly realise what are the auspicious and inauspicious species of Karmas. Those who earn merits acquire auspicious species of Karmas and those who earn sins acquire quite the reverse. Consequently person craving for happiness, peace and prosperity should avoid committing sin. Much remains to be said in this connection and it will be said at the proper occasion.