It might be argued, why Karmas are manifested only after certain period ? Why should there be an intervening period ? But you will be convinced on this point if you study the case of intoxication. If a man consumes cannabis satira (Bhang) he gets intoxicated not immediately but little later. Same is the case with other intoxicants. Opium also does not intoxicate immediately. It only affects after the passage of some time. Similarly knowledge-obscuring karmic particles also begin to affect after the lapse of some duration of time. This dormant period of Karmas can be compared with a bill of exchange for a stipulated period.
Good or evil karmas are manifested when their proper times become due. Such intervening period is as extensive as seven thousand years when it is longest and it comprises of a moment when it is shortest.
At the eleventh, twelfth or thirteenth stage of spiritual attributes reached by the Soul, this period of dormant karmas does not exist as during that period, bondage of Karmas causing feelings of pleasure exists with no passions prevailing with consequent absence of Karma. The first period is characterised by bondage, second by its rise or manifestation and the third by consumption.
EXISTING KARMAS ARE CAPABLE OF MODIFICATION Remember that existing karmas undergo modification and they are manifested only after maturity. Karma becomes extinct after it has awarded its reward. Such karmas which have been consumed or which become extinct do not pollute the Soul nor do they overpower the Soul. Thus during the period in which karmas are dormant, the karmas, do undergo modification. Still a karma contracted most rigidly (nikachita) does not undergo any modification. The rest of the kinds of Karmas are capable of modification. A karma contracted becomes rigid in attachment and thus it would be inavertible. This means that a particular karma does not maintain its quality till its period of manifestation.
If a particular Karma is contracted for a period of hundred years its period of enjoyement is also determined for the same duration.