Reflections of the fourth man were mild and so they are supposed to have yellow grade. Fifth man's reflections are milder and so they are supposed to be lotus blue in grade. Sixth man's reflection are mildest and therefore they are understood as white in grade. Thus, vellow. lotus blue and white grades are considered pure ones and each succeeding one is purer than each preceeding one.
More the intensity, more the rigidity of the bondage of Karma and lesser the intensity looser the bondage of Karma. When we perform some righteous act with full interest and zeal then it contracts more rigid result which yields very auspicious rewards. On the similar grounds when any religious act is performed according to the prescribed rites, pious religious merit is contracted with pious bond but if the same is performed without intensity of feelings, the result is ordinary, but not as the former. Therefore, whenever you perform any religious rite then perform it with great intensity of joy and interest. Thus, such rite shall beget very blessed result and when you are dragged to act sinfully or to act on temporal basis then you may do them with reluctance and displeasure, thereby the bondage of Karma shall be contracted slack and you will not have to undergo poignant sufferings as a reward.
Question : -Is there any significance in naming the Leshyas after colours ?
Reply:-When the matters imbibed by the soul evolve in the form of light, they are called dravya leshya and the reflections of soul are called Bhavaleshya. Dravya Leshya is possessed of colour, odour, taste and touch. When a leshya has a particular colour then that Leshya is named after that particular colour. The grade of impurity is indicated by the grade of very dark colour and that of purity by milder forms of colour. Most debased reflections have dark dravya Leshya, so it has black colour. Rest of the leshyas should be understood in the same manner.
Question : This means that even reflections have colours.