This means, the knowledge acquired but not practised in life is futile, and no welfare is achieved thereby.
The knowledge of those who know and babble that soul is immortal. that soul acts good and bad, and soul is compensated accordingly and who themselves do not abstain from evil acts nor do they earn meritorious acts, is useless. The great authors of the sacred texts do not declare such knowledge as real or true.
That is “Tatva Samvedana” (effective right knowledge) a type of knowledge when with the correct knowledge of the acceptable and non-acceptable nature of an object, its practice in life is also carried out. The knowledge of the great ones falls in this type. They speak as they believe and they act as they speak. Their words and conduct always concur. Such is their knowledge which breeds bliss and welfare.
Those who can differentiate between living and non-living objects and who know that their real identity is soul and not the body nor the senses, nor the mind nor the vital airs, and who are constantly engrossed in the activities for the uplift of their soul, are said to have possessed real spiritual knowledge. Persons with such knowledge scarcely care to encourage material progress. They avoid passions, as they avoid poison and they do not approach attachments as they do not approach a blank cobra.
With an intent to enlighten you with the distinction of soul and non-soul objects we have dealt with at length the topic of “Soul” and have scrutinized various aspects of soul. If you constantly reflect over our discussions you will be able to cast aside your misnotion, viz., “You are your physical self” and you will entertain the right notion that you are omniscient and the Almighty soul. When such notion is stabilized within, your bliss shall arise and reveal itself before you.