the story of a woman. As long as your mind is full of passion for a woman it gives you pleasure but when that passion is extinguished, woman appears like a bondage and you are inclined to be free from such bondage. When your belief is changed palatial buildings are nothing but prisons and fame and glory are nothing but hypocrisy and power begins to pinch you.
Some believe that these worldly things give pleasure because soul is under "vibhāva" condition. “Vibhāv” condition means condition of illusion or infatuation. More the soul is freed from this condition of stupor more it beigns to derive pleasure of joy within. Soul is packed with profound joy and therefore it is called joy-incarnate or Anandghana. This joy of soul is inexhaustible and indestructible; so it is permanent and immortal. The Almighty Lords enjoy this profound and immortal joy all the while, and it is the cherishable object for all those, who aim at spiritual development. Cast aside passion and you will experience this immortal joy. Once you experience this joy, you will cultivate aversion for joy derived from material objects. You will not at all be inclined for such joy derived from material objects. If you are served with royal dishes, you would hardly care for bits of loaves meant for the beggars.
We told you in the beginning of this discourse that soul is the unrivalled treasure which cannot be compared with any worldly prosperity, and I hope you have now properly understood the significance thereof.