VARIETIES OF 'SENSORY' KNOWLEDGE (Matignana) Sensory knowledge arises from four stages and hence the four varieties. They are :
1. Avagraha. 2. Iha. 3. Apaya. 4. Dharana.
"Avagraha” means cognisance of knowable object. Here some material means are possessed and then there is cognisance in the form of “There is something." Thus Avagraha has two varieties viz. possession of an object and cognisance of the object proper. Mind and eye do not possess the object because they do not travel to the object to cognise them. The eye can see a tree, a mountain, the sun, or the moon situated at long distance and the mind also can think of far off places.
"Iha" is the thought in the form of "What could this be ?" "Apaya" is the determination in the form of “This is a particular thing." and "Dharana" means retaining in memory that particular determination.
You might argue that we can perceive a horse in a moment then where is the necessity of all these four stages ? But infact these four stages do exist. We do not feel them because due to long time familiarity we cognise an object without losing any time. But when we cognise an unknown object, we feel those four stages. Suppose you are passing through a field on some evening. There you see something from a distance. Then you fix your sight properly in the direction and reflect "What could this be? Is it the trunk of a tree or some human being ?” Then you further, reflect if this were a human being, it would move and the upper part would be comparatively smaller than the lower part. But this object is stable and the upper part is bigger than the lower one so this is a trunk of a tree no doubt." Then you capitulate in your mind that you have seen the trunk of a tree and nothing else. Thus you realise distinctly four stages viz. Avagraha, Iha, Apaya, Dharana.
Two varieties of Avagraha, Iha, Apaya and Dharana multiplied by 5 (senses) and the mind make the total of thirty; but mind and