18. 19.
Lord Mahâvîra
By. Sitalaprasad Jain Buddha Tattvajnana, pt. I.
"They all agree in holding that primitive teaching must have been something different from what the earliest scriptures and commentators thought it was." -Life of the Buddha (1927) p. 204. Prof. T. W. Rhys Davids and Dr. Max Muller also remarked that: 'Buddhism of Pali Pitakas is not only a quite different thing from Buddhism as hitherto commonly received, but is antogonistic to it." -Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XI, 19. Intro p. 2 "Bliss is Nibbana"-Dhammapada. "When the Karman is extinguished and there are no aggregates the Nirvana is had." -Sutta Nipata. "With him who has left all attachment for name and form, there is no more infection to the power to death."
-Ibid. 107. In "Mahavagga" we read-"Open the door of the immortaly." Asanga states a number of qualities that are not suppressed by the entry into Nirvana, such as sovereignty, aisvarya of the Boddhisattva, the Parmita. If so much of Dharma remains intact in Nirvana, it can never be an absolute destruction in itself. -Prof J.C. Sarkar (JBORS. XVI. 109)
Thomas, The Life of Buddha, p. 137: George Grimm: "Buddhist Wisdom, the Mystry of the Self" (Munich 1911) p. 57.