Hemacandra has recorded is correct, that is to say, the period from Mahâvîra's Nirvana to the beginning of the Nanda dynasty was 60 years and that from Mahâvîra's Nirvana to Candragupta's coronation was 155 years. Other writers seem to have confused this and taken these two periods successively, instead of including the period before the Nandas within 155 years. The period of the Nandas would really work out as 155 - 60 95 years which is almost in agreement with the Pauranic record of a hundred years for the Nandas:
उद्धरिष्यति तान् सर्वान् कौटिल्यो वै द्विजर्षभः।
भुक्त्वा महीं वर्षशतं नरेन्द्रः सं भविष्यति ।। ब्रह्माण्ड पु०३, ७४, १४३ All the Jaina traditions, thus, boil down to this that there were 155 years from Mahâvîra Nirvana to Candragupta's coronation, 155 + 108+ 30 +60 +40 +13 + 4 = 410 years upto Vikrama's coronation, and 410 + 60 470 upto Vikrama's death, and that the Vikrama era began with the death of Vikrama.
1. जैन सिद्धान्त भास्कर 1915; 1; 4; पृष्ठ 74.
Lord Mahâvîra's
Bihar and Orissa R.S.J., 1915.
तापगुच्छ पट्टावली; विचारश्रेणी of मेरुतुंग (with some verbal variants) सिरिदुसमाकाल - गंमणरायथयं अवचूरि ( पट्टावलीसमुच्चय, पृ० 17 ),
जैन साहित्य संशोधक, 2, 4.