II. 10. v. The Road to Final Deliverance
1. Learn the true road leading to final deliverance, which the Jinas have taught; it depends on four causes and is characterised by right knowledge and faith.
2. I. Right knowledge; II. Faith; III. Conduct; and IV. Austerities; this is the road taught by the Jinas who possess the best knowledge.
3. Right knowledge, faith, conduct, and austerities, beings who follow this road, will obtain beatitude.
4. Knowledge is fivefold: 1. Sruta, knowledge derived from the sacred books; 2. Ahinibodhika, perception;34 3. Avadhi, supernatural knowledge; 4. Manahparyaya,35 knowledge of the thoughts of other people; 5. Kevala, the highest, unlimited knowledge.
5. This is the fivefold knowledge. The wise ones have taught the knowledge of substances, qualities, and all developments."
6. Substance is the substrate of qualities; the qualities are inherent in one susbstance; but the characteristic of developments is that they inhere in either (viz. substances or qualities).
7. Dharma, Adharma, space, time, matter, and souls (are the six kinds of substances37); they make up this world, as has been taught by the Jinas who possess the knowledge.
8. Dharma, Adharma, and space are each one substance only; but time, matter, and souls are an infinite number of substances.
9. The characterist of Dharma is motion, that of Adharma 38 immobility, and that of space, which contains all other substances, is to make room (for everything).39
10. The characteristic of time is duration,40 that of soul the realisation41 of knowledge, faith, happiness, and misery.
11. The characteristic of Soul is knowledge, faith, conduct, austerities, energy, and realisation (of its developments).
12. The characteristic of matter is sound, darkness, lustre (of jewels, &c.), light, shade, sunshine; colour, taste, smell, and touch.
13. The characteristic of development is singleness, separateness, number, form, conjunction, and disjunction.