Lord Mahavira
midst of abstract meditation, he reached the Nirvana," the complete and full, the unobstructed, unimpeded, infinite and supreme, best knowledge and intuition, called Kevala.
26. When the Venerable One had become an Arhat and Jina, he was a kevalin, omniscient and comprehending all objects, he knew all conditions of the world, of gods, men, and demons; whence they come, where they go, whether they are born as men or animals (kyavana), or become gods or hell-beings (upapada); their food, drink, doings, desires, open and secret deeds, their conversation and gossip, and the thoughts of their minds; he saw and knew all conditions in the whole world of all living beings.
27. On the day when the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra reached the Kevala, the gods (of the four orders of) Bhavanapatis, Vyantaras, Jyotishkas, and Vimanavasins descended from, and ascended to heaven, &c. (as on the moment of his birth)
28. Then when the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra had reached the highest knowledge and intuition, he reflected on himself and the world first he taught the law to the gods, afterwards to men.
29. The Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra endowed with the highest knowledge and intuition taught the five great vows, with their clauses," 24 the six classes of lives to the Sramanas and Nirgranthas, to Gautama, &c.
The six classes of lives are earth-body, &c. (down to) animals. i. The first great vow, Sir, runs thus: Ahimsa (non-injury)
I renounce all killing of beings, whether subtile or gross, whether movable or immovable. Nor shall I myself kill living beings (nor cause others to do it, nor consent to it). As long as I live, I confess and blame, repent and exempt myself of these sins, in the thrice threefold way," in mind, speech, and body.
ii. The second great vow runs thus: Satya (Truth-speaking) I renounce all vices of lying speech (arising) from anger or greed or fear or mirth. I shall neither myself speak lies, nor cause others to speak lies, nor consent to the speaking of lies by others. I confess and blame, repent and exempt myself of these sins, in the thrice threefold way, in mind, speech and body.
iii. The third great vow runs thus: Asteya (non-stealing)