Lord Mahavira : A Revolutionary
Please guide us, give us the light of prudence." And Lord Mahâvîra stated, “Logic makes us blind. It never leads us any where. Remember truth is pervasive; it cannot be circumscribed. Try to understand what others say, because every assertion depicts truth in its own light. One who can see that light can never maintain that others are in darkness. Every thought has its own individuality worthly of reverence, because it depicts truth in its own limits. Don't consider that a particular standpoint is the only true representation of reality. Reality is one and whole, but it manifests in different ways in different ages.”
Once a man enquired as to what Jainism is, and the Lord replied : "Jainism is synthesis of different throughts expressed from different points of view. All standpoints are relative. They can never be absolute, their relatedness leads to the whole truth. Exclusive absolutism is inconsistent with the theory of Syadvad."
The theory of non-absolutism is the pivot of the teachings of Lord Mahâvîra. His thoughts were much appreciated. There was not an iota of bigotty in his views. He always regarded other's views quite as important as his own. He always said : "Truth is one, but the paths which lead to it are many. Truth is primary, paths are secondary. Stick to the truth, never tarry on the path. We must have reverence towards others. We must have suavity of disposition and courtesy of manner. Suavity leads of reality.” Reconciliation
One day Lord Mahâvîra was delivering his sermon before a huge congregation. Gautama, the foremost disciple, was also present there. Mahâvîra said, "Gautama ! get up, your beloved friend monk Skandaka, who is initiated in a different cried, is fast approaching you. Go ahead, and receive him.” Gautama went a few steps, and cried, “Welcome to Skandaka ! Welcome to Skandaka !" Both came and sat at the feet of Lord Mahâvîra.
The Lord observed ; "All religions have the same goal of self realisation. We must seek the unity of religions, not in a common creed, but in a common quest. We must look for the truth in them and try to reconcile them, so that all religions may form a strategem to eradicate evils from the face of the earth. Don't quarrel, don't indulge in altercations. They lead to destruction."