Lord Mahâvîra
was in trouble fell on his knees, and said "May God be always with you. You are God's almoner."
The Lord alluding to this story commented. "Beloved is he to me who has mercy and compassion. Who is moved by the pangs and sorrows of others, who is not cruel, who is true at heart, and who loves humanity from the depth of his being. Compassion and love are the two requisites for self-realisation. One who is devoid of these is never religious. There are two kinds of people. Those who entangle themselves in the intricacies of rituals, but never imbibe the essence of religion; they are hypocrites. Those, on the other hand, who never observe any religious rites, but are true to their heart are religious in the proper sense. Purity of heart is religion, mere externals constitute hypocrisy."
Friend and Foe
A man went to Lord Mahâvîra and arrogantly claimed"Sir, I have subdued all my enemies and now I have sense of friendliness towards them. I have been taught to treat all enemies as friends."
The Lord stated: "You are still only half-way to truth. I say unto you, the safe way is not to consider any one as one's enemy and then treat him as a friend. It is a falae notion. In this world of ours none is an enemy. Your belief in one makes you accept him as a friend, while disbelief in the other generates in you the feeling of unfriendliness. If you consider others as your enemies, it means you do not delieve in 'self'. This is a delusion. Go ahead and develop the feeling of equality towards all. You will then see that in this world of diversity, none is your foe, all are friends."
"Do not look outside for peace and tranquility. Your soul is the perennial source of strength and peace. Go in quest of it, awaken your soul and springs of peace and happiness will gush forward. Material things can give you pleasure, but not eterna happiness. If you really desire to be happy peep into the soul, practise equilibrium of mind. You will enjoy peace in its totality.'
"Oh man ! You are a treasure house of infinite strength. You are the architect of your fortune. Have firm belief in labour, Exert yourself, and you will enjoy the fruits thereof. One who has abiding faith in self-exertion is a man of distiny. Through faith you can become what you wish to be.