Lord Mahavira : A Revolutionary
confronted him in his Sadhana only through meditation and turned them into pleasures. Mahâvîra : A Man of Interpidity of valour
Mahâvîra was literally a great warrior because his life was ever burning with great enthusiasm and self-exertion. he said : "Keep a flame, keep awake; to stay extinct, to lie in torporis sin. Keep burning so that the sparks of the fire scintillate the whole atmosphere and turn the darkness into light."
Mahâvîra's light kept burning till the last. He said: "Non-violence is the source of spiritual strength. To bear all the trials and tribulations is the royal path to emancipation. These two principles are intertwined. One who does not know how to endure strain totters and falls before the first whiff of adversity, is a coward. He can never be an apostle of Non-violence despises cowardice."
Mahâvîra was a rock in the ocean, tranquil amid the raging billows of mental pangs and physical hardships. He was famous for his intensive penances and severe austerities. After attaining enlightenment, he once went to Lada region. As he entered the town, people were surprised to see this strange figure. The boys flocked and pelted stones at him. All were simmering with excitement. They led rabid dogs after him. Filth was thrown at his face. He was reviled at ; but he walked calmly as if nothing had happened. He said to himself. The people are delirious. They are ignorant. Ignorance cannot distinguish good and bad. This is only a sign of their weakness and stupidity. He turned back and spoke : “My brethren ! let your conscience awake. Let your discrimination be right Besmirch not your reputation as human beings. Remember, He who loves others exalts himself and becomes one with God, but he who pains others abuses himself and is lost to death.”
Gautama was the foremost disciple of Mahâvîra. He was one of the greatest Intellectuals of his time. His eagerness to know the truth carried him to the loftiest height of erudition. Mahâvîra had great admiration and love for him. Once as he went out for Bhiksha (alms), Ananda, a householder, invited him and said “Reverened Sir, I am endowed with supraesnsual knowledge. I can perceive the things directly without the help of the mind or