-Kanhaiya Lal Saraogi
It is universally agreed and believed by all the sects of the Jainas that the last Tirthankara Lord Mahâvîra attained full knowledge at Jrimbhikagama on the Northern bank of the river Rijukulva or Rijubelika under a sala tree on Vaisakha Sukla 10 in the afternoon. Regarding the further movements etc. of the Lord we find two different stories. The Digambaras say that after attaining Kaivalva or becoming all knowing Lord Mahâvîra going from place to place ultimately reached Vipula Hill in Rajgir. He kept silence all the way and did not preach of give any discourse because, according to them (the Digambaras) a Tirthankara will not speak unless and until a Ganadhara or a learned disciple is present there.
Indira, the king of god, found out a very learned Brahmana, Gautama Indrabhuti, and brought him near the Lord so that He might speak. This Indrabhuti became the first follower and disciple of Lord Mahâvîra and after he was admitted to the Order, the Lord's super-human dialogues started. This happened on the 1st day of Sravan.
The Svetambara story is a bit different. It tells us that the Lord after passing the 12th rainy season of his ascetic life at Champa (near Bhagalpur) and passing through Jrimbhikagama. Medhia Chhammani etc. had travelled to Pava and thence again to Jrimbhikagama. At Jrimbhikagama He sat in meditation under a Sala tree in the field of one Syamaka, not very far from the old
* Jaina Antiquary, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, page 28-31.