Epthets of Lord Mahâvîra in Early Jaina Canon
In other Angas
In the Angas which are later than Acaranga and Sutrakrtanga generally we find Samane Bhagavam Mahavire. But we must take note of a Varnaka which was well established during cononical period
समणे भगवं महावीरे' आइगरे तित्थयरे सहसंबुद्धे पुंरिसुत्तमे पुरिससीहे पुरिसवरपुण्डरीए पुरिसवरगन्धहत्थीए लोगुत्तमे लोगनाहे लोगप्पदीवे लोगपज्जोयकरे अभयदए चक्खुदए मग्गदए सरणदए' धम्मदेसए धम्मसारही धम्मवर चाउरन्तचक्कवट्टी अप्पडिहयवरनाणदंसणधरे वियट्टछउमे जिणे जावए बुद्धे बोहए मुत्ते मोयए सव्वण्णू सव्वदरिसी ।"
भगवती सू० ५
Here we may remember the importance of Purusa since the Rgveda. In various names of Visnu we find Purusottama, Purusapundarika and purusavara. Gandhahasti is an epithet of the powerful elephant and Gandhagaja is found in Caraka. Lokanatha is also used for Visnu etc. Lokapradipa is used for the Buddha in Buddhacarita of A'svaghosa.
With this Varnaka we may compare the welknown Varnaka of the Buddha which is explained in Visuddhimagga (p. 133 ) — ‘सो भगवा अरहं सम्मासंबुद्धो विज्जाचरणसंपन्नो सुगतो लोकविदू अनुत्तरो पुरिसदम्मसारथी सत्था देवमनुस्सानं बुद्धो भगवा' - अंगुत्तर 3.285
In Mahavyutpatti one name of the Buddha is Vira.
In the Maha. Buddha is called Narottama and Sakyasimha. Bodhisattva is called-Gandhahasti-Maha. 704.
In Maha. Saranya and Sarana.
See also
धम्मायरि धम्मोवएसए समणे भगवं महावीरे उप्पण्णणाणदंसणधरे अरहा जिणे केवली तीयपच्चुप्पन्नमणागयवियाणए सव्वन्नू सव्वदरिसी-भगवती-9