Jainism Tradition and Culture
to renunciation. From this point of view, it is Mahavir who dared and demonstrated his catholity towards womanhood; of course, he had to face some limited opposition by the contemporary leaders, for the simple reason that, although womanhood was allowed to become ascetic, she cannot attain salvation, unless reborn as man. Yet, despite of such rigid conditions, at least, woman can take to sanyas; this shows his (large-heartendness and correct vision).
He was conscious enough not to contradict the teachings of Parswanath; while establishing spiritual democracy, liberal outlook towards woman and protest against caste, creed and class. This reflects upon Mahavir's greatness, intelligence and vision; further, he was not even aware of his magnanimous deeds; at least, he never indicated any pride in this direction. According to Bhagavatisutra, the Conversation between Mahavir and Katasavesiyaputta, there was difference between Parswanaths' Caturyamadhamma and Mahavir's Panchajamadhamma; rather, he consolidated and made it more ethically oriented religion on the basis of his preceding Tirthankaras; therefore, he observed the vow of abstinance more scrupulously. Uttaradhyayana sutra declared that the laxity in moral practices found after Parswanath was eliminated by Mahavir. When some mistakes, inadvertently committed, he realised that it was urgent and imperative to set right the wrongs; he was not a victim of mere traditional and blind beliefs. While reconciling the old & the new, reforming the lecunea, one finds the farsightedness and vision of Mahavir.
Mahavir earned the adoration and admiration as a guru (Preceptor), since he brought about-reformation, consolidating of religion by his ethical behaviour par excellence. Social Equality and Mental peace were the very breath of Mahavir; it is no exaggeration to state that as a guru Mahavir is unparallel. Since he was moving with his disciples, he was an example of real 'pathmaker'-the Tirthankar; the disciples too could mould their conduct in the presence of Mahavir. Another rare aspect of his sermon is that he uses simple, lucid and almost colloquial language; because of his convincing method he could form a galaxy of the followers within a short period, thanks to his use of Ardha-magadhi in exposing the philosophical doctrines that he preached to the people in their languages, a proof of his multifaced