Gospels of Lord Mahâvîra
is held out as an ideal and the means to refrain from Ahimsa and the rigidity of the monastic life have been discussed in detail. The second part is divided into four Culas and sixteen chapters. The first Cula deals with the rules pertaining to begging of food, a couch, and clothes. The second Cula gives the rules regarding religious postures, places of study etc. The third Cula deals with the biography of Lord Mahâvîra. The fourth Cula marks the end of the Ayara and it contains twelve verses only.
2. Suyagadanga
This is the second Anga having three titles. It is divided into two Suyakkhandas. The first suyakkhanda has sixteen Adhyayanas and in all there are twenty three Adhyayanas. In the Samavaya the names of all the twenty three Adhyayanas are given.
The second Anga provides a young monk with materials whereby he can fortify himself against the heretical doctrines of alien teachers and preachers, can confirm himself in the right faith and can lead himself to the summum bonum.
3. Thana
This is the third Anga. It is divided into the sections known as Addhayanas and 783 sutras. Unlike other Angas, this Anga is not divided into uddesakas. The entire work is mostly in prose. A numerical description of things from one onward upto innumerable is the style enumerated in this Anga. As for example, in the third section persons are divided into three classes, best mediocre and worst. In the seventh section seven nayas seven suaras, samudghatas and seven schisms have been described. In the eighth section eight types of philosophers, eight mahanimittas and eight vibhaktis have been named. In the tenth section we find ten types of dravyanuyaga, ten kinds of satya, ten sorts of 'suddhavakyanuyoga, ten types of calculations, ten sections of the Angas, ten kinds of sons and ten sorts of wonders. There are four kinds of baskets and also of teachers, four sorts of fish and also of medicines, four varieties of bull and men alike.
4. Samavaya
This fourth Anga has been divided into one hundred and sixty suttas. This work is important for arranging different entities