Lord Mahavira
and hence our soul. By taking ablution with water, we shall go to heaven without difficulty”, who, if it is not on their way, do not go to a well, tank, river, pond (with lotus in or with constructed embankment), preserved tank, guñjālika, sea or ocean.
Who do not take for a ride any type of vehicle, from ordinary carriage, till syandamânika, who do not witness any recreational programme, from natapreksa, till Magadhapreksa, who do not unite plants, nor rub, collect, raise or uproot.
Who do not indulge in any unnecessary gossip about women, meal, country, king or thieves, who do not keep, apart from gourd, wooden and earthen pots, any other made from iron, bell-metal, lead, zinc, silver, gold, or any other which carries high value.
Who do not use any pot with a chain of iron, bell-metal, copper, till any other which carries high value, who do not wear any cloth of any colour except saffron, who do not take, except a copper ring, any other necklace, ardhahara, ekavali, muktavali, kanakavali, ratnavali, murabi, kantha-murabi, pralamba, trisaraka, katisutra, ten rings, kataka, trutita, angada, keyura, kundala, crown or cudamani (ornaments decorating the body from head to foot).
Who do not place on their body, except one on the ears made from flowers, any other ornament made from threaded flowers, or flowers wrapped together or flowers threaded in a thin stick or flowers whose stalks are entangled with one another, who do not rub their bodies, except with the Ganga clay, with any other, agaru, sandal or kumkum, who do not drink water more than a Magadha prasthaka (a weight), that too from a flowing steam, not a stagnant pool with a pure soil underneath, not with moss, absolutely clean, not dirty, passed through cloth, not otherwise, offered by some one, not usurped, just to drink, not to wash one's hands, feet, vessels, etc. not to bathe.
Who are allowed to take half a Mâgadha adhaka water, that too from a flow, not a pool, till not ungiven, to wash one's hands, feet, vessles, etc., but not to drink nor to bathe.
The Parivrajakas living like this, fully bearing this state for many a year, at a certain point in the eternal time are born again in Brahmaloka as celestial beings. Their span of stay there is as long as ten sagaropama. The rest as before. 12, Sû. 38