Personality of Lord Mahâvîra and his Sermon at Champa
One who in this world, in all respects, and with all sincerity gets tonsured, gives up his home and enters into the life of a homeless monk desists from inflicting harm/slaughter on any form of life, from falsehood, from usurpation, from sex behaviour and from the accumulation of property. He desists from the intake of food at night. Such is the code essential for a homeless monk. A tie-free man or woman planted on this path is a true follower,such is the instruction.
The path for the householder contains twelve items which are five anuvratas (lesser vows), three gunavratas (improving quality) and four siksavratas (educative formulate). Five lesser vows are to desist from a big slaughter/harm to life, to desist in general from false utterances, to desist in general from usurpation, to be contented in sex behaviour with one's own wife and to limit one's desires. Three items to improve quality are: to avoid inclinations harmful to the property of the soul, to restrict directions for the length of movement and to limit the use and continuous use of objects. Four educative practices are: sâmâyika or sitting in equanimity, restricting inclinations, pausadha (living for a while like a monk) and fasting, entertaining (worthy) guests. Finally to reduce body-weight through rigorous practices and to court death like the prudent-such is the path for the householder. In following the tenets of (this) religion, a householder man or woman really follows the order for a devotee,-such is the instruction.
Then that vast congregation of men, having heard the words from Bhagavan Mahâvîra about the path and having accepted them, became delighted and pleased, till their hearts were expanded with glee. The congregation was declared to be over. People moved round Bhagavan Mahâvîra three times and paid him their homage and obeisance. Having done so, some people renounced their homes, got tonsured and entered into the order of monks and some others courted the five lesser vows and seven educative practices of a pious house-holder. The rest of the people attending the congregation paid their homage and obeisence to Bhagavan Mahâvîra and submitted as follows
"Bhante! You have expressed the tenets of the Nirgranthas in a nice way. You have explained them in an especially impressive way, in beautiful vocabulary, with due humility, in a manner well