The Doctrines of the Great Victor
plucking hair, celibacy, (to refrain from) the houses and entering feeling of pleasure and pain on respectively getting alms with honour or without honour.
से जहाणामए अजो। मए समाणाणं णिग्गंथाणं आधाकम्मिएति वा अद्धेसिएति वा मीसज्जाएति वा अज्झोयरएति वा पूतिए कीते पामिच्चे अच्छेज्जे अणिसटठे अभिहडेति वा कंताइभत्तेति वा दुब्भिक्खभत्तेति वा गिलाणभत्तेति वा वहलियाभत्तेति वा पाहुणभत्तेति वा मूलभोयणेति व कंदभोयठोति वा फलभेयणेति वा बीयभेयणेति वा द्ररियभोयणेति वा पडिसिद्धे ।
Noble Ones! I have propounded for the ascetics of 'Sramana tradition (or Jain ascetics) to refrain from food which is; impure and produced with a view to entertaining a monk, prepared for distribution among monks, prepared for both householders and monks, put in excess in a cooking vessel in view of the arrival of monks, mixing up of pure food with impure one, purchased for the monk, borrowed for a monk on promise of return with interest or otherwise, offered out of fear of the king or another powerful person, owned by a company of persons and given by one of the owners without consent of the co-partners, brought by householder from a place beyond the range of three or seven houses in an avenue, food for a person staying in a drought area, food for a guest, food of roots, food of tuber, food of fruit, food of seed, food of vegetables.
से जहाणाम अज्जो । मए समाणाणं णिग्गंथाणं पंचमद्रव्वतिए सपडिक्कमणे अचेल धम्मे पण्णत्ते ।
Noble Ones! I have propounded for the ascetics of 'Sramana tradition (or Jain ascetics) a spiritual course of five great vows accompanied with the practice of reintrospection to be performed duly and nudity.
से जहाणामए अज्जो । मए समणोवासगाणं पंचाणुव्वतिए सत्त - सिक्खावतिए दुवालसविधे साग्गधम्मे पण्णत्ते।
Noble Ones! I have propounded for the lay followers the course of five small vows and seven supplement vows.
से जहाणाम अज्जो । मए समाणाणं णिग्गंथाणं सेज्जातभपिडेति वा रायपिडेति वा पडिसिद्धे।