Thus Sayeth Lord Mahâvîra
Neither riches nor relations can protect. Know this and know life and get rid of karma.
He who is simple is pure and he who is pure dharma abideth with him. And it is for him to attain nirvana by exerting like fire fed with fat.
Dharma is perfect harmony. Kill not, restrain and give thyself to penance this is dharma. Even gods bow before him who is firm in dharma.
Therefore, kill not living being, nor take anything unless given, nor speak words false and treacherous: this is the dharma of the self-restrained.
He who for his comfort killeth creatures which move or move not or hurteth them or taketh what is not given and learneth not what is to be practised will suffer.
The wise should, therefore, consider the ways that leads to the cycles of birth, seek Truth and keep amity with all creatures.
Not to kill is the quintessence of all wisdom. For to look at all as one with himself is ahimsa. And this much ye should know. Give no offence, therefore, to creatures, on, above or below the earth, whether mobile or immobile. Restrain thy hands and feet and take not anything unless given.
Free from delusion and devoted to penance and simplicity, he pruifieth his soul, and shaketh off sins previously committed and committeth them no more.
Of Avoiding Carelessness
The leaves of the tree wither and fall, when their days are gone, even so do the lives of man. Therefore, be not careless even for a while.
As dew-drops last but a while on the top of kusa grass, even so do the lives of men. Therefore, be not careless even for a while. As life is fleet and existence precarious, dust off the filth of previous karma. Be not careless even for a while.
Hard it is to have this human birth in the long span of time and hard also are the consequences of karma. Therefore, be not careless even for a while.
When your body growth old and your hair turneth white, all your strength abateth. Therefore, be not careless even for a while.