-Umakant P. Shah
Siddhâyikâ (Svetambara)
Siddhâyikâ is one of the four principal yaksis in the Jaina pantheon of both the sects and is worshipped by the same name. Her position as a principal yaksi is wholly due to Master, Mahâvîra, the twenty-fourth Jina. Yaksinis like Ambikâ and Padmâvati have attained more prominence-the first because of the antiquity of her cult and the second because of her being a snake-deity, and because of being a yaksi of Parsvanatha who is a prominent figure in the Jaina Tantra.?
Siddhâyikâ is worshipped in only one principal variety of form, namely, the four-armed one, in the Svetambara traditions. Her chief distinguishing symbols are the book and the lion vehicle. It should be noted that lion is also the cognizance of her Master, Mahâvîra.
According to Hemacandra, she is greenish in appearance and rides on the lion. In her right hands she shows the book and the abhaya, while she carries the citron and the lute in the left ones. Both the Pravacana-saroddhara-tika and the Mantradhiraja kalpa follow this tradition.3
According to the Nirvanakalika, the lute in one of the left hands is replaced by the arrow while the rest of the symbols remain unchanged. Silpa texts the Devatamurti-parkarana and the Rupamandana follow the Nirvankalika.5
The Acaradinakara gives another form. Riding on the lion the goddess shows the book and the abhaya in her right hands while she carries the noose and the lotus in the left ones. The devi is green in complexion..
* S.VU. Oriental Journal, Vol. 20, 1977.