अन्ययोगव्यवच्छेदिका 29. मुक्तोऽपि वाऽभ्येतु भवं भवो वा,
भवस्थशून्योऽस्तु मितात्मवादे । षड्जीवकायं त्वमनन्तसंख्य
माख्यस्तथा नाथ यथा न दोषः ।।
On the doctrine of limited selves either even one liberated should come into the world, or the world should be void of dwellers in it. The corporation of six kinds of soul thou didst state as of infinite number; so, O Lord! That there is not fault.
30. अन्योन्यपक्षप्रतिपक्षभावाद,
यथा परे मत्सरिणः प्रवादाः । नयानशेषानविशेषमिच्छन्
न पक्षपाती समयस्तथा ते ।। As, because of being alternatives and counter-alternatives one to another, the other prime doctrines are jealous; not so is Thy religion, in desiring the methods in totality without distinction, given to partiality. 31. वाग्वैभवं ते निखिलं विवेक्तु
माशास्महे चेन्महनीयमुख्य । लोम जंघालतया समुद्र,
वहेम चन्द्रद्युतिपानतृष्णाम् ।। If we hope to discriminate Thy statement-mastery in its entirety, O prime of the venerable! we might with agillity overleap the ocean, might support a thirst for drinking the moonbeams. 32. इदं तत्वातत्वव्यतिकरकरालेऽन्धतमसे,
___ जगन्मायाकारैरिव हतपरैर्हा विनिहितम् । तदुद्धर्तुशक्तो नियतमविसंवादिवचन
स्त्वमेवातस्त्रातस्त्वयि कृतसपर्याः ।।