Holy Abu
The inscription on the pedestal below the sculpture of the mulanayaka, as also the inscription on the door-frame of this cell disclose that originally a sculpture of Sambhavanatha was installed as mūlanayaka of the cell and sculptures of Adinatha and Mahāvīrasvāmi were placed on two sides of the main image.
Cell 39-The pedestal and the door-frame are both inscribed and show that Shri Abhinandana was the mulanayaka of this cell and a sculpture of Shri Shantinatha was placed on one side while another of Neminatha was worshipped on the other side of the main image. At present there is a saparikara sculpture of Ajitanatha installed as mūlanayaka, besides two other images including one of Chandraprabha.
Cell 40-1 A sculpture of the Shashvata Jina Shri Vardhamana, represented with attendant parikara, is installed as the mulanayaka. 1 A saparikara Pañchatirthi sculpture of a Jina. I. A chovisi-patta (of 24 Jinas) with a pañchatirthi-saparikara Jina represented in the centre. Total 3 sculptures.
Cell 41-1 A sculpture of Mahavira worshipped as the mūlanayaka, shows the parikara as well.
Next to this cell follows the big Balanaka or hall (pavilion) just above the southern entrance to the Luṇavasahi. Resting against a wall are preserved here two big loose inscribed slabs-one of white and the other of black marblewhich are of great value to students of history of Gujarat. The inscriptions refer to the trust or future management of the shrine and are valuable records containing information regarding family-members of the two brothers, ministers Vastupala and Tejapāla. Opposite to these stones is
1 Abu, Vol. II. Inscriptions Nos. 250, 251.