NOTES: sa-pajjavasiya/apajjavasiya almost always concomitant with s'-adi/aṇādi.
BHAGAVATI 2.10.117. Nos. 23-27 ($55-9) form a block. REFERENCES: AgS p. 147; S.I, pp.433-34; DELEU p.94 (II 10).
"kati nam, bhante, atthikāyā pa (nnattā)?" "Goyama, pañca atthikāyā pa (nnattā), tam jah: DHAMM-ATTHIKAE, ADHAMM-ATTHIKAE, ĀGĀS-ATTHIKE, JIV-ATTHIKAE, POOGALATTHIKÃE." "DHAMM'-ATTHIKAE nam, bhante, kati-vanne kati-gandhe kati-rase katiphase?" "Goyama, avanne agandhe arase aphase arūvī ajīve sāsae avaṭṭhie loga-davve.
se [DHAMM'-ATTHIKAE 7 sama sao pañcavihe pannatte, tam jahā:
davvao khettao2 kālao3 bhāvao gunao
davvao nam DHAMM'-ATTHIKAE: ege davve. khettao? nam: loga-ppamāṇa-mette. kālao3: na kayavi na asi, na kayavi n' atthi (na kayavi na bhavissati, bhavimsu ya bhavati ya bhavissai ya, dhuve nitie săsate akkhae avvae avaṭṭhie) jāva nicce. bhāvao1: avanne agandhe arase aphase. gunao": gamana-gune."
PARALLELS: Nos. 23-27 ($85-9) recur in Sthana as borrowings (5.3.530, SMC pp.316a_ 316b): 0: Nos.9-13 (also contiguous). OKUDA, verse "K:44".
ANALYSIS: Text in parentheses (followed by java) is a canonical cliché for "eternity" (see No. 1991). Structure in Nos. 23-27 ($55-9) identical, text contiguous. gunao is not a standard determinant. arūvi, ajīve, etc. occur in the introduction but not in the execution. The 11 remaining nikṣepas in Sthana (Nos. 1-8, 14-16) are borrowings from post-canonical literature (pp. 156-57). For "samasao" and "se/tam" as a peculiarity of Nandi see No.66$14. In Nos. 23-27:55-9 (and Nos. 9-13), the catch-words recur only once, viz. in the execution for davvao' (same procedure in No.71$18). Nos. 23-27 ($55-9) appear at the beginning of Uddesa 10 and constitute the whole sutra 117. The general topic "atthikae" in Nos. 23-27 ($5-9) is in keeping with the following sutras 118, 122-24 (119: jīva; 120-21: log'-āgāsa / alog'-āgāsa). In the parallel cases, "n' atthi" is mostly replaced by "na bhavati".
NOTES: bhavimsu is singular (similar cases PISCHEL § 518). Abhayadeva (AgS p.148b) explains bhavao by "paryayataḥ" and gunao by "karyataḥ". For gamana-guna as the basis for the movement of the jivas refer to Abhayadeva (AgS p.148b: "jiva-pudgalānām gaty-upaṣṭambha [sic! upastambha = "support"] hetur matsyānām jalam ivêti"). For general information on Nos. 23-27 ($55-9) see WEBER pp. 206-07 and SCHUBRING § 57.