ananta-gunā, sa-indiyā apajjat tā vises'-āhiyā, eg'-indiya-pajjattă samkhejja-gunā, saindiya-pajjattă vises'-āhiyā, sa-indiyā vises'-āhiyā.'
se ttam pañcavihā samsāra-samāvannagā jīvā pa (nnattā). 1 225 1
A catalogue or a glossary of all the "elements" is not envisaged. Many of them have been mentioned directly and indirectly in the present and in the previous Section (compare in particular the list of determinants in Section g and $47 'Analysis'). A systematic study of elements should be supplemented by a study of the reference devices (jāva etc.) and of the rudimentary elements of a meta-language (e.g. "samciţthaņā, used in Jīvābhigama for one of the three käla motifs). There exists in fact a close connection between our reference devices and the beginnings of a meta-language, as there is little difference between an abbreviated quotation like "kayare 2 jāva vises?āhiya vā"(40) and a term like "appa-bahum", "appā-bahuyam" (verse in $47; verse quoted in the Analysis for $538-40).
Whenever we study a text containing features with a more general distribution ("typical elements", "formulas", "clichés", "topics", "standard patterns"), we have to project the individual feature (this may be structural, phraseological, or lexicographical) on the background of its entire employment area. This throws light on both the meaning (function) of the feature and the interrelation of the relevant works. Below, hints for the study of employment areas have been given with reference to elements. References to elements (determinants only) occurring in the Entries of Chapter 5 (e) have been added at the end. The sets of determinants are always complete sets (two and only two, three and only three determinants). With two exceptions, elements of the nikṣepa proper have not been considered.
Determinants "davv'-atthayāe", "paes'-atthayāe". Sub-determinants of dao and pao: "ogh'-ādesenar", "vihān'-ādesenam". (Distribution in the canon:) Sub-determinants in Bhagavati only (Sataka 25). Determinants in Bhagavati and Jīvābhigama only, majority in the former.
Determinants "bhav'-ādesenam", "kāl'-ādesenam". Part of the question: "gai-r-āgaim karejjā". Determinants and "gai-r-āgaim karejjā" largely concomitant. (Distribution:) Determinants-plus-gai-r-āgaim karejjā" in Bhagavati only (Satakas 11 and 24; technical term: "samveho"). Determinants alone in Bhagavati only (Satakas 11 and 24). "gai-r-āgaim