(davva etc.) are underlined, except a few cases where the same determinants are mentioned over and again. Each determinant has a number assigned to it, a device which is of special importance in the field of the post-canonical niksepa where the lists of determinants are sometimes very long. A classical niksepa discussed by ALSDORF has no less than 15 determinants (catch-word: UTTARA; determinants: nāma ... bhāva''). The character of the question and the relation between question and answer are not uniform. --- Generally speaking, descriptions of dialectical patterns should not be too vague, but also not too detailed (even related cases may show structural differences). --- In order to demonstrate our system we supply below three lines from niksepa 95, first according to the Suttāgame edition and afterwards according to our typography :
(S.I, p.433 lines 28-30: )
se samāsao pamcavihe pannatte, tamjanā - davvao khettao kālao bhāvao gunao, davvao nam dhammatthikae ege davve,
(Our text:)
se [ DHAMM'-ATTUI KĀE_7 samāsao pañcavihe pannatte, tam jahā:
davvao' khettao kālao' bhāvaogunao". davvao ņam DHAMM-ATTHIKĀE: ege davve.
The programme (Āmukha) is set off against its context by indentation. It is the first or second subunit of the composition (the analysis of the composition is different from the analysis of the logical structure as given above). The individual niksepa has two to four subunits:
(introduction) programe or "Āmukha execution (concluding sentence)
The details will be discussed in the respective Sections.
The davvao type of Samukha is an important division in our classification. However, the number of specimens being limited, we cannot discuss this form of the canonical niksepa in an abstract manner but have to consider the available material. The number of Entries (20 in all: 991-19 plus 20B) is greater than the number of real occurrences. The 20