eyão mūla-payadio uttarão ya āhiyā. PAES-AGGAM khetta'-kāle ya bhāvam ca uttaram suņa.
savvesim c'eva kammānam, paes'-aggam anantagam ganthiya-sattaiyam, anto siddhāņa āhiyam.
savva-jīvāna kanmam tu, samgahe chad-disā-gayam savvesu vi paesesu, savvam savvena baddhagam.
udahi-sarisa-nāmāna, tisai kodikodio ukkosiyā thiī hoi, anto-muhut tam jahanniyā.
āvaranijjāna dunham pi, veyanijje tah' eva ya antarāe ya kamuammi, țhii esā viyāhiyā.
udahi-sarisa-nāmāna, sattarim kodikodio mohanijjassa ukkosā, anto-muhuttam jahanniyā.
tettisa sāgarovamā, ukkosena viyāniyā this u āu-kaunassa, anto-muhuttam jahanniyā.
udahi-sarisa-nāmāna, visai kodikodio nāma-gottānam ukkosā, attha muhut tā jahanniya.
siddhān' ananta-bhāgo ya, anubhāgā havanti u savvesu vi paes'-aggam, savva-jīve aicchiyam.
tanhã eesi kamānam, anubhāgā viyāniyā eesi samvare c'eva, khavane ya jae buho.
PARALLELS: Bhagavati 1.1.18 (S.1, p.389); ibid. 1.4.39-40 (S.I, pp.397-98). Prajñāpan 23.2.611-25 (S.II, pp.489-95). Kalpa Bhā.91 ff. Tattvārtha 8.15-25. Acāra Cūrņi p.325. Višeşāvašyaka Bhā. 1184-86, Jinabhadra p. 226. Mūlācāra 11, vss. 212-38.
NOTE: We are here primarily concerned with verse 16, containing a niksepa programme and inserted into Uttarādhyayana Ch.33 (which is on karma). The catch-word (PAES'-AGGA) is a term discussed mainly in the two following vss. 17-18 (mentioned also in verse 24), and by the insertion of vs. 16 the impression is created that the second part of the karma tract (verses following vs. 16) is the "execution of a niksepa programme. - - - The tract as such (without vs. 16) is of considerable interest on account of its literary