Prajñāpana 28.1.6 42
paducca: vannao kāla-niläim... āhāram
(See the text in No.75°34:) osannam kāranam āhārenti."
Bhagavati 1.1.15
vannao kāla-nila-pita-lohiya-hālidda-sukkillāņi, gandhao surabhi-gandha 2 (dubbhigandhāim), rasao titta 5 (kaduya-kasāya-ambila-mahurāim), phāsao kakkhada 8 (mauyaguruya-lahuya-siya-unha-niddha-lukkhāim). sesam tah' eva (i.e.jaha NERAIYANAM 17.
BHAGAVATI 1.7.61. - REFERENCES: Āgs pp. 866-878; S.1, p.406; DELEU p.82 (I 14a).
"CĪVE nam, bhante, GABBHAM VAKKAMAMĀŅE kim sa-indie vakkamai, an-indie vakkamai?" "Coyamā, siya sa-indie vakkamai, siya an-indie vakkamai." "se ken attheņam (bhante, evam vuccai: siya sa-indie vakkama i, siya an-indie vakkamai)?"
"Goyamā, (Amukha not supplied)
davv'-indiyāim paducca: an-indie vakkamai. --- bhāv'- indiyāim paducca: sa-indie vakkamai. --- se ten' at thenam (Goyamā, evam vuccai: siya sa-indie vakkamai, siya an-indie vakkamai)."
PARALLELS: No.5731. Bhagavati 12.5.450 (S.1, p.664); ibid. 20.3.665 (S.1, p. 792).
ANALYSIS: Parenthesis supplied - in both cases - on the basis of the question-andcolophon" cliché (see No.39821) in connection with the preceding sentence (siya ...). Subject and structure of the Niksepa are in close agreement with the context (sūtras 1.7.61-62: discussion on jiva and garbha). - In the execution, "indiya" occurs both with the determinants (or in connection with the determinants) and in the predication (p.42 above). - The present Niksepa is one out of five Ni rāmukha niksepas in the Bhagavati which have only the two determinants davva' and bhāva? (the other instances: No.zz (p.159), "0.82 41, No.8645, No.89, No.91). No.82 41 as well as 959 (amongst the "parallels") are closely related to the present nikṣepa (see the texts).
NOTES: vakkamai - avakrāmati (short vowel in the root : PISCHEL 9 481). For the sunject