The following sūtras 420-422 deal only with the pair' loe/aloe (and not with the etriad'). 419-422 form one Uddeśa (10). The difference between sūtra 419 on the one hand ("triad' occurring in all the three sections) and sūtras 420-22 (no triad') on the other, suggests that sūtra 419 is an accretion (at any rate 419-22 do not form an integrated whole). However, 419 is also disturbed in itself (davva-loga niksepa / non-niksepa section / davvao nikṣepa without programme). Besides, sūtra 419 (i.e. Bhagavati 11.10.419) shows affinities with Bhagavati 2.10.120 ff.(S.I, p.435). The former makes reference to the latter at least eight times in two cases explicitly), and the subject is more or less the same in both cases (ttriad', epair', etc.).
ANALYSIS OF NO.384 920A: There are three jāvas for aholoya, tiriyaloya, and uddhaloya respectively. The text for the first jāva is available for example in Sthāna 7.669 (S.I, p. 278). The second jāva has not been supplied as the tradition is not clear. Here the reader is requested to consult Jīvābhigama 3.166 (S.I, p.210, lines 4-7) in connection with SCHUBRING & 123. For the third jāva compare for example Jīvābhigama 3.20708 (S.II, pp. 234-36) in connection with Tattvārtha 4.20.
NOTES: For aholoya, tiriyaloya, uddhaloya refer to SCHUBRING SS 60, 80, 107; KIRFEL, Kosmographie pp. 213-328. For loga in general see SCHUBRING $ 103.
BHAGAVATI 13.7.495. Nos. 39-41 ($921-23) form a block. - REFERENCES: Āgs pp.6249-6240; S.I, pp.692-93; DELEU pp.200-01 (XIII 74).
"kaivihe nam, bhante, marane pannat te?" "Goyanā, pañcavihe marane pannatte, tam jahā: ĀVICIYA-MARAŅE, OHI-MARANE, ĀINTIYA-MARANE, bāla-marane, pandiya-marane." "ĀVICIYA-MARANE nam, bhante, kaivihe pannatte?"
"Goyamā, pañcavihe pannatte, tam jahā: davv-ĀVICIYA-MARAŅE', khett'-ĀVICIYAMARAŅEP, kālo-ĀVĪCIYA-MARAŅE", bhavo-ĀVĪCIYA-MARAŅE“, bhāv'-ĀVĪCIYA-MARANE."
"davvo-ĀVĪCIYA-MARAŅE' ņam, bhante, kaivihe pannatte?" "Goyanā, cauvihe pannatte, tam jahā: neraiya-davv'-ĀVICIYA-MARANE. tirikkha-joniya-davv'-ĀVĪCIYA-MARANE'.manussa-davv'-ĀVICIYA-MARANE' deva-davv'-ĀVĪCIYA-MARAŅE.4." "se ken' aţthenam, bhante, evam vuccai: neraiya-davv'-ĀVĪCIYA-MARANE.neraiya-davv'-ĀVĪCIYA-MARANE. 1? "Goyanā, jan ņam neraiyā neraie davve vațțanāņā jāim davvāim neraiy'-āuyattāe gahiyāim baddhā im puţthăim kadă im patthaviyāim niviţthāim abhiniviţthāim abhisamannāgayāim bhavanti tăim davvāim avici aņu-samayam nirantaram maranti tti kattu. se ten' aţthenam, Goyamā, evam vuccai: neraiya-davv'-ĀVICIYA-MARANE'' (neraiya-davv'-ĀVICIYA-MARANE''). "evam (......) jāva deva-davv'-ĀVICIYA-MARANE.4.