'some problems in Jaina psychology' points out “The psychic phenomenon called 'French sensitiveness' sometimes called psychometry may be included as a form of avadhi, although in psychometry mind and the senseorgans do play their part. There may be physical contact with the object. However, physical contact serves only as an occasion to create a psychical rapport.”10
2. Manaḥparyāyajñāna
It is generally termed as telepathy. It is direct apprehension of others psychoses. It has for its object mind and its modes. A person possessing this kind of perception has a direct knowledge of the mental states of others without the instrumentality of sense-organs and minds. In terms of western psychology it can be described as thought-reading. This kind of experience is not common and easy to get. It is acquired when kārmic veil which suppressed it is destroyed due to merit and by the practice of moral disciplines and selfcontrol. According to traditional Jaina view, only human beings who have reached a particular stage of spiritual development can possess this kind of knowledge. Some Jaina logicians like Siddhasena Divākar maintain that lower organisms possessing two or more senses are also found to possess this kind of cognition. Modern psychology has also recognized this truth while dealing with the problems of birds and animals. The two different varities of this form of perception are recognized. The first is more pure and permanent and the second is less pure.
· Today, modern psychologists admit that telepathic experiences certainly exist. “Extrasensory perception in the form of clairvoyance and telepathy is an actual demonstrable