the most fundamental. In fact, the first valid source of knowledge recognized by all Indian philosophers in general is perception. Even Cārvaka begins with perception. It may be said that, in a sense, all knowledge must begin with perception though it is not adequate to explain the entire body of knowledge as empiricists contend.
In Nyāya, the position accorded to perception is primary because perceptual knowledge is the final basis of all other kinds of knowledge. Western realists over-emphasize the validity of perception as the source of knowledge. The Nyāya realists, however, do not grant the self-evident validity of perception. They are of the opinion that what is directly perceived may not be immediately doubted and, therefore, need not be further tested but when any doubt arises as regards its validity, it needs verification. The Nyāya logicians, thus, do not agree with the view that “what one sees or feels, one cannot but be sure that one sees or feels.".
The Nyāya Definition of Perception
The old Nyāya defines perception as the knowledge which is produced by the contact between sense-organs and objects and it is infallible as well as definite. The definition of perception in terms of sense-object contact emphasises that right knowledge which is generated directly by the contact of the senses with the object is the product of perceptual process. As far as nature of contact is concerned Nyāya believes that contact is real and not imaginary. .
Logical realism of Nyāya enumerates six kinds of contacts :