of spreading the fragrance emitting from exce llent types of Turukka, and Kundrukka incensë and black agallochum; having done so, and having executed by means of others immediately convey" back the report.
(8) Then those servile gods being ordered in this way were delighted, pleased [upto] at heart, having joined the palms of the hands (with ten nails) and touched the folded hands to the head, and saying "Yes, my Lord" accepted with due courteousness, and obedience; having done so, they went to the north-eastern direction .......... emanated' soul particles from the body at the creation of a fluid form; having done so, they issued forth a stick of numerable Yojanas in length. They cast aside the gross atoins like that of sixteen types of jewels. Those are of gems, adamants, Veruliyas Lohiyakkhas, Emeralds, Hanshgagabbhus, Puggals, Sogandhiyas, Joirasas, Anjanpulagas, Anjanas, Rayayas, Jāy. rūvas, Ankas, Falihas (crystals), and Ritthas. Having done so grasped the subtle atoms; hav. ing done so for the second time emanated the soul particles from the body; having done so, adopted the final fluid form; having done so, with charming, auspicious, majestic, swift, in