41 अणाववण्ण मित्त (अधुना + उपपन्न + मात्र) recently born. qafa (qafat) completion. within one Antarmuhurta, the gaining by the soul of the capacity to develop fully the characteristics of the body into which it incarnates. The developments are of six kinds; 1st 4 only in one sensed souls; 1st 5 in 2, 3, 4, and 5 sensed souls without mind, and all the six in others. -in taking of the molecules to make the body. 2 To-development of the body. 3 To-development of sensed organs. 410-development of respiratory organs. 15 भासा प० - development of Vocal organs. 6-development of the organs of mind. () obtained; got; accomplished. Taa ( अभ्यर्थित) desired. चिंतिय (चिन्तित) thought. पत्थिय ( प्रार्थित) longed मणेोगय ( मनोगत) pondered. संकल्प (संकल्प) inclnition. अज्झत्थिय (आध्यात्मिक) deep inward musing. सेयं (श्रेयस् ) beneficial. णिस्सेसाय ( निःश्रेयसाय ) for blessed condition; for salvation. अणुगामियत्ता (अनुगामिकता) the happiness which accompanies continuously all incarnations. Hanna-having comprehended, Gerund. सिरसावत्त ( शिरसावर्त) taking the folded hands to the forehead.; turning the folded hands in circular way in front of the forehead.