... .. Notes.
Tirthankar born in Airāvatakshetra in this very era. उव्वेह (उद्वेध) depth. चंदाणण (चंद्रानन ) first Tirthankar appeared in Airavatkshetra. खंध (स्कंध) trunk. विडिमा (विडिमा) main branch shooting forth from the truuk.
सव्वंग-the whole; from top to bottom. मूला-roots. कंदा-bulbs. रुइला (रुचिरा) charming; pleasing; beautiful. साला (शाखा) branch. साहप्पसाहा (शाखा +प्रशाखा ) branches and sub branches. बिंट (वृत) stalk. वरंकुरम्गसिहरा (वर+अंकुर+अग्र+शिखरा) tops of excellent sprouts. नमिय-bent. महिंदज्झया (महंद्रध्वजा) the great banner. वइरामयवट्टलट्ठसुसिलिट्ट etc. (वज्रामय + वृत्त+लष्ट + संस्थित+मुश्लिष्ट परिघृष्ट+मृष्ट+ garafgar ) which were firmly established, very smooth due to rubbing, exceedingly charming due to 'roundness of their form, and made of adamant. कुडभि-small flag. अभिलंघमाण ( अभिलंघमान) transgressing. अडयालीस (अष्टचत्वारिंशत् ) forty-eight. गोमाणसिया (गोमानसिका) bed; a long verandah. मणोगुलिया (मनोगुलिका) a stool; a seat.
अंसि (अश्रि) corner. माणवए (मानवक:-चैत्यस्तंभः) the name of a pillar. अडयालिसइकोडीए and अडयालीसइविम्गहिए-here com. is unable to explain and therefore states-, 'संप्रदायगम्यं' however it seems that these two expressions mean-fourty eight edges and fourty-eight planes (of: that